Cerebral Vascular Biology

15th International conference

June 29-July 2, 2025
Ann Arbor, MI, USA




Join us at the beautiful Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan for 3 days dedicated to understanding the physiological, cellular and molecular basis of cerebral vascular biology, the contribution of vascular dysfunction to diseases affecting the central nervous system and neural function and novel therapeutic strategies for intervention.

Session Topics


Barrier Cell Biology
Tight junctions, transcytosis, and cell signaling

Neurovascular Unit in Aging and Neurodegeneration
Alzheimer disease, Brain vascular atlas, Changes in aging

Neurovascular Unit in Neurological, Metabolic and Psychiatric Disease
Stroke, Diabetes and Inflammation

Targeting the Neurovascular Unit to Prevent or Repair Dysfunction
Wnt signaling to restore the barrier, Novel therapeutic targets to maintain the barrier

CNS Barriers outside of the Brain
Choroid plexus, Retina, Blood Nerve Barrier

Novel Approaches to Assess the Blood Brain BarrierĀ 
Microfluidics, Spatial transcriptomics, iPSC models

Drug Delivery to the CNS
Protein delivery platforms, Nucleic acid delivery, Viral vectors

Genetics/Epigentics of Barrier Biology and Vascular Dysfunction
Genetic basis of barrier dysfunction, Genetic impact on stroke and arterial venous malformation

