Cerebral Vascular Biology

15th International conference

June 29-July 2, 2025
Ann Arbor, MI, USA


Cerebral Vascular Biology (CVB)


We welcome you to the CVB 2025 in Ann Arbor, USA!


Cerebral Vascular Biology (CVB) 2025 is the 15th international conference in a series devoted to research on the blood-brain barrier, blood-CSF barriers and the neurovascular unit in health and disease. First hosted in Duluth, Minnesota (1992), the conference rotates between North America, Europe and Asia/Australasia with the last being in Uppsala, Sweden (2023). CVB meetings bring together internation experts and exciting cutting-edge research on topics varying from: the barriers in development and aging, barrier regulation and changes during disease, the barriers as a therapeutic target, how to deliver therapeutics across the barriers, and innovative methodologies.



Nabil Alkayed (Oregon Health Sciences Univ)

Matthew Campbell (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

Lester Drewes (Univ. Minnesota-Duluth)

Britta Engelhardt (Univ. Bern, Switzerland)

Jens Niewoehner (Roche)

Invited Speakers

Sherry Hsiang-Yi Chou (Northwestern Univ.)

Audrey Cleuren (Oklahoma Research Medical Foundation)

Luca Cucullo (Oakland Univ.)

Maria Deli (Biological Res. Centre, Hungary)

Elia Duh (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Linda Fredricksson (Karolinska Inst., Sweden)

Alon Friedman (Dalhousie Univ., Canada)

Roman Giger (Univ. Michigan)

Chris Greene (Royal College Surgeons, Ireland)

Anika Hartz (Univ. Kentucky)

Stefan Liebner (Univ. Frankfurt, Germany)

Irena Loryan (Uppsala Univ., Sweden)

Pedro Lowenstein (Univ. Michigan)

Nanna MacAulay  (Univ Copenhagen Denmark)

Peetra Magnusson (Uppsala Univ., Sweden)


Douglas Marchuck (Duke)

Jim McGrath (Univ. Rochester)

Ingrid Nilsson (Karolinska Inst., Sweden)

Natasha O’Brown (Rutgers Univ.)

Brian O’Grady (Vanderbilt Univ.)

Lara Ogunshola (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland)

Yuri Persidsky (Temple Univ.)

Miguel Lopez Ramirez (Univ California-San Diego)

Patrick Ronaldson (Arizona Univ.)

Peter Searson (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Julie Siegenthaler (Univ. Colorado)

Sid Strickland (Rockefeller Univ.)

Robert Thorne (Denali)

Yang Xiao (Univ. Michigan)

Yao Yao (Univ. South Florida)

Hein Zhao (Ionis)


The Cerebral Vascular Biology, CVB 2025 meeting will be a key scientific and networking event for researchers from around the world to discuss their innovative research on CNS barriers, particularly the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB). CVB is held once every two years and it has always been one of the most exciting and important meetings in the cerebrovascular biology field since it began in 1992. The last four conferences took place in Paris, France (2015); Melbourne, Australia (2017); Miami, Florida (2019) and Uppsala, Sweden (2023).”
